• jane-tillings-portrait

Jane Tillings

Primarily I work as a Counsellor / Supervisor.

Since qualifying in 2009 and offer counselling to adults, couples, and young people who are struggling with their mental and emotional health. Being a founder of Wye Dean Wellbeing I manage counselling services in the forest and Gloucestershire.

What About Wye Dean Wellbeing?

In collaboration we work towards personal therapy goals, my role is to facilitate this process by offering therapy"tools" which helps empower clients skills and techniques to manage themselves better.

I also offer clinical and non clinical supervision both individual and in groups.

My background has been working in psychiatric nursing and supporting individuals back into work and  back into education. It was this work that took me into my therapy training. Many barriers presented in this work were peoples confidence and self esteem and needing some therapy intervention of some kind before they could move on or return to the workplace. The work also involved working with employers and job retention as well as supporting individuals to manage their mental and emotional health and wellbeing in the workplace.

I have also worked as a senior counsellor for a local charity supporting the emotional wellbeing of young people. This work involved going into schools for counselling session or to offer them online counselling through text chat. Part of this role allowed me to set up a support group to work with parents who were struggling with their wellbeing and support their children.

Previous to this role I worked for a National charity providing short breaks and an outreach service for disadvantaged and disabled young people in addition to running a program for separated parents who were experiencing conflict through separation.

So now...... I currently work in private practice as well as being an affiliated counsellor working with an Employment Assisted Provider (EAP).  This work involves providing short term solution focussed therapy for those who are off work with psychological distress or in work struggling to manage their mental and emotional wellbeing. This service offers a limited amount of sessions that can be between 4-8 sessions.  

It was this work that encouraged me to look at other services that could be offered that wasn't time limited and rigid in structure, this is when I became involved in Wydean Wellbeing to look at setting up something unique and individual to those that access the service.

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