Stress is the body's reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. It's very common and can be motivating to help us achieve things in our daily life, and can help us meet the demands of home, work and family life.
But too much stress can affect our mood, our body and our relationships – especially when it feels out of our control. It can make us feel anxious and irritable, and affect our self-esteem.

The tips on this page should help, but if you have been experiencing stress for some time and it's affecting your daily life or causing you distress, you should consider seeking further support.

Possible causes of stress

Stress affects people differently, and the things that cause stress vary from person to person.

The level of stress you are comfortable with may be higher or lower than that of other people around you. Stressful feelings typically happen when we feel we do not have the resources to manage the challenges we face.

Pressure at work, school or home, illness, or difficult or sudden life events can all lead to stress.

Signs of stress

  • If you are stressed, you may:
  • feel overwhelmed
  • have racing thoughts or difficulty concentrating
  • be irritable
  • feel constantly worried, anxious or scared
  • feel a lack of self-confidence
  • have trouble sleeping or feel tired all the time
  • avoid things or people you are having problems with
  • be eating more or less than usual
  • drink or smoke more than usual

Some possible causes of stress are:

  • our individual genes, upbringing and experiences
  • difficulties in our personal lives and relationships
  • big or unexpected life changes, like moving house, having a baby or starting to care for someone
  • money difficulties, like debt or struggling to afford daily essentials
  • health issues, either for you or someone close to you
  • pregnancy and children
  • problems with housing, like the conditions, maintenance or tenancy
  • feeling lonely and unsupported
If you think you might have stress get in touch today.

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